Today’s Guest

I'm pretty sure I first discovered today's guest, Lisa Lister, last year when someone mentioned her to me. Since then, I've been following her online. I love how she makes talking about your "lady landscape" fun and funny, and not boring and scientific. I'd read books on the subject of tracking your cycle to make the most out of each phase, and I found it really hard to get into. I'm so excited to introduce today's guest, because I know you'll find her super interesting and loads of fun.

About Lisa Lister

Lisa Lister is a author of Code Red: Know Your Flow, Unlock Your Monthly Super Powers + Create a Bloody Amazing Life. Period. a menstrual maven and creatrix of the SHE Flow protocol - yogic feminine movement, body stories and ancient menstrual health practices - dedicated to helping women crack their lady code and love their lady parts.

What You’ll Learn

How contraception can silence our inner wisdom
The four superpowers you have as a woman
Which part of your cycle is your "get shit done" phase
How to know your flow and chart your cycle (and how long you need to do this)
The best time of the month for public speaking and expressing yourself

Things We Discussed

Cycle Repair Kit
Code Red

Inspiring Women

SHE (you'll understand when you listen to the episode)

Connect With Lisa




[R2B 91] How Tracking Your Cycle Can Help Your Business, with Lisa Lister #podcast