Today’s Guest

I'm so excited to have the fabulous Denise Duffield-Thomas on the show this week! I am a HUGE fan of Denise: she's one of my top three favorite women entrepreneurs who totally inspire me. So it's with great pleasure that I've got Denise on the show to talk about how to overcome your money blocks.

About Denise Duffield-Thomas

Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. Her best-selling books “Lucky Bitch” and “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” give a fresh and funny road-map to create an outrageously successful life and business.

Denise helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control over their finances. Denise is an award winning speaker, author and entrepreneur who helps women transform their Economy-Class money mindset into a First-Class life. Find her at

What You’ll Learn

Denise's top tips for overcoming your money blocks
How money blocks are formed early on in life
Why you need to look at the downsides of being wealthy
How to look at your money memories
Why Denise did not want to be the "money girl" and why she struggled with it

Inspiring Women

Leonie Dawson

Things We Discussed

Denise's free pricing workshop
How to get one chapter of her book for free
Lucky Bitch Bootcamp

Connect With Denise

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[R2B 90] How to Overcome Your Money Blocks, with Denise Duffield-Thomas #podcast

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