Today’s Guest

I'm pretty sure I first met today's guest, Siobhan Costello, at one of Corinna Gordon-Barnes's You Inspire Me networking meetups. I've known her now for a year or two, and when she spoke at Corrina's last meetup, I was inspired to get her on the show. It's so easy to get caught up in business networking without a purpose. It's nice to get out of the office and meet people, and it can be easy to forget that there's more to networking than just that. Siobhan has some great tips today on how to get results from business networking, based on what your networking goals are.

About Siobhan Costello

Siobhan Costello is founder of Great Business Results and helps women to build their businesses through confident networking.

After leaving a long nursing career Siobhan ran a successful business as a hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner.

At first Siobhan hated networking! In fact she stopped completely for a while disliking the pushy way people could be at a meeting and the way she felt she had to ‘perform’ too.  It just didn’t feel right!

Then she discovered that there are key ways to make networking enjoyable and more importantly, she began to see her business grow through getting out there and networking in a way that felt authentic to her.

Siobhan now runs seven successful network groups for business women in East Anglia and is passionate about showing other women how they can build their businesses by networking confidently and with authenticity and in a way means they can remain true to themselves.

Siobhan runs a 5 Step Programme for Confident Networking to help business owners who are struggling to get referrals at network meetings to confidently and authentically promote their business so that they get a return on their networking investment.

What You’ll Learn

Siobhan's top tips on how to get results from business networking
How to follow up with people after the meeting
How to find the right network for you and your business
When to evaluate whether or not a group is working for you
How often you should go to networking meetings

Things We Discussed

Women in Business Network

Inspiring Women

Catherine Watkin 

Connect With Siobhan




[R2B 93] How to Get Results from Business Networking, with Siobhan Costello #podcast

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