Today’s Guest

I'm very excited to share today's guest with you. Cordelia Francesca Brabbs is an inspiring light worker who helps women reconnect with their inner magic so they can shine their light out into the world. Her clients have experienced amazing results in business and in life after unlocking their blocks and reconnecting with themselves at the soul level. In today's episode, Cordelia talks about how important it is to do this work and also how to take action and get started on your journey to reconnect with your magic.

About Cordelia Francesca Brabbs

Cordelia Francesca Brabbs is a Magical Mentor & Miracles Activator for women who are ready to reclaim their power, remember their magic and get paid to play.

She helps her clients experience profound transformations including increases in income, visibility and opportunities in their divine business, as well as inner transformation like increased confidence and self-belief.

Her gifts include the ability to clear the deepest fears, wounds and limiting patterns that women have been programmed with for lifetimes, and energetically rewire and recode them to live in their most joyful purpose, pleasure and prosperity.

Cordelia is the author of Goddess Power Pack, and the forthcoming Oracle of the Unicorns deck (2016).

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Cordelia's top tips on how to remember your magic
How Cordelia embarked on her journey to reconnect with her magic
What exactly is your magic and why it's so important to remember it
Easy tips on how to get started reconnecting with yourself and how you can dive deeper
Things you need to remember along the path of reconnecting with your magic

Inspiring Women

Stacy Nelson 
Therese Skelly
Rikka Zimmerman

Thing We Discussed

Goddess Power Pack

Connect With Cordelia

Freebie Opt-in ~ Reclaim your Power meditation MP3

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