Today’s Guest

I'm very excited to have today's guest, Cara Wilde, back on the show. You may remember Cara from episode 13, How to Find Bliss in Life and Business . Cara is a good friend of mine, and I'm so happy to have her back on the show to share the new incarnation of her business. In today's episode, we talk about Cara's journey with channeling and how channeling your own guides can transform your business.

About Cara Wilde

Cara Wilde is a channel, a portal for the non physical and she helps people to open up to the love that is available from the non physical. Cara passionately believes that people's uniqueness is their genius, and that their Soul had a plan for this lifetime. She helps highly sensitive people to truly feel at home in physical reality, to belong and to live the life they were born to live. Cara achieves this with a gentle, playful attitude and the support of her guide Aurora. When she's not at home, Cara can be found lifting heavy weights or running and exploring our beautiful planet.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

What guides are and what to look out for
Cara's top tips on how you can connect with your guides
How to mentally meet with your guide and what you may need to do before channeling them
Why connecting with your guides is like a partnership
How to attract the best guides for you

Inspiring Women

Jane Talbot 
Kate Trafford 

Connect With Cara


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