Today’s Guest

I first met today's guest, Michelle Wildman, at Denise Duffield-Thomas's London event a couple of years ago, and we've stayed in touch ever since. I love her photography for women entrepreneurs: she creates such gorgeous lifestyle shoots that really reflect her subject's personality and energy. I love the work that she does! Today, she'll be sharing how you can actually use your investment in professional photography to actually enhance your profitability and client retention. Plus, she gives super practical tips on exactly what types of shots you need to ask for if you're going to book a shoot that goes beyond the standard headshot.

About Michelle Wildman

Michelle is a professional photographer who works with female entrepreneurs and business owners across the UK.

She believes passionately in women and their ability to grow powerful, meaningful businesses, and her zone of genius lies in creating beautiful images that not only enhance profitability, client retention and brand image, but also inspire and uplift on a personal level.

She is most at home walking through the woods or running down a beach and loves to shoot outdoors, making the most of the magical light, locations and backgrounds that Mother Nature provides!

Her style is relaxed and natural, and employs her own philosophy of 'Eyes-Heart-Lens' - firstly, seeing her subject through eyes that notice the light and space around them, next seeing them with her heart and connecting in on a deeper level, and finally raising her camera lens to capture an image.

After 7 years as a city-based consultant specialising in web design and eCommerce, Michelle finally trusted the inner voice that told her she had something more to contribute to the world, and made the leap to becoming an entrepreneur - she's never looked back! She loves to blog and connect with women at all stages of business over on her website at, and captures the moments of her day on Instagram at /MichelleWildmanPhotography.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Michelle's top tips on how to use photos online to grow your business
Where and how to use photos of you on your website
Why it's so important that you get on well with the photographer on a personal level
The five types of photos that you want to ask your photographer for
Why your reasons for putting off a photo shoot are actually just excuses...and how to just get on with it

Connect With Michelle


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