Today’s Guest

I'm very excited to share today's guest with you! I recently discovered Tash Mitch when a podcast listener reached out to me on Twitter to let me know she enjoyed the show. I asked her if there any women she would like to see featured, and she gave me a couple of names. I'm always excited to get requests for new guests, and when I checked out Tash's website, I instantly wanted to have her on the show. She's a heart-centered entrepreneur who is very much about working in alignment with your inner resonance, which is what we talk about in this week's episode.

About Tash Mitch

Tash Mitch is a creative, a life and business coach, an energy alchemist and a writer. She works with women to help them align to their Divinity, their intuition and their life & business purpose. Her focus is on supporting and coaching women to reach for the things they are most passionate about in their lives, the things that they crave to do but seem daunting or the impossible dreams, so that they can make them a reality. Her career started off in Media Advertising first for BBC Worldwide and then for Music Week Magazine so she brings a wealth of business knowledge from this background as well. She is the Author of the book Artists of Health, conversations and photography with innovators and practitioners of Natural Health. Additionally she is a teacher of Energy Work and Energy Mastery.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Tash's top tips on how to align your business to exactly what you want
Why you need to come back to your own answers and your own why
How to find your own rhythm, voice, and resonance (it's easier than you think)
Why you need to get into your own subconscious mind
How to align with the fact that you have your own answers

Inspiring Women

Marie Forleo
Carrie-Ann Moss 
Leonie Dawson 

Things We Discussed

The Art of Life Project

Connect With Tash


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