Today’s Guest

I'm so excited to have Meg Worden on the podcast this week. One of my listeners wrote to me to recommend that I have Meg on the show, and when I checked out her website, I instantly wanted to have her share her story. She's got a very unique past that she's blended into her story, and I love how she's brought together all her experience and knowledge into what she's doing today. Plus, I love it when people are open and vulnerable about telling their own story online. You'll learn lots in this episode, and I know you'll be inspired by Meg's story.

About Meg Worden

Meg Worden is a writer, speaker, coach, and advocate of social justice. She is a volunteer mentor for A Social Ignition - an organization in Portland, Oregon teaching entrepreneurship and employability inside and outside of prisons. In both her private coaching practice and on a larger scale, Meg specializes in storytelling to engender compassion and support, versus judgement and fear, and using health as a fundamental tool to create an environment for success and healthy growth. She regularly speaks to startups and entrepreneurs about overcoming obstacles and the importance of resilience, curiosity, exercise and nutrition.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Meg's top tips on how to be vulnerable and tell your story without shame
Why Meg chose online vulnerability in her business
How to own your story, even the shadow parts of yourself
Why it's so important to tell your story without shame
What your clients really want from you (hint: it's not your perfection)

Inspiring Women

Brené Brown
Desiree Adaway
Rachael Rice

Things We Discussed

Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown
Salad Alchemy

Connect With Meg


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