Today’s Guest

I'm very excited to have today's guest, Catherine Watkin, back on the show. You may remember Catherine from episode 38, How to Get More Clients Saying Yes. Catherine is a good friend of mine, and it's been so inspiring to see how she's grown her business since we trained together at the same coaching school a few years ago. Catherine spoke about sales conversations in episode 38, and since then she's expanded her company into business mentoring. Today, she'll be talking about how she built her business mentoring program (before she was ready), and how you can start your own business mentoring program.

About Catherine Watkin

Catherine Watkin is founder of the business mentoring and mastermind group Business from the Heart.   She supports heart-centred entrepeneurs and helps them to grow viable businesses - and most importantly enjoy the journey!  She does this through a combination of practical, grounded strategy, plus working on what she calls the "inner game" which is the piece that so often holds people back the most.   What is really important to her is that she helps people to grow successful businesses without resorting to inauthentic or manipulative sales and marketing practices - and her own business is a perfect example of how this is possible.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Catherine's top tips on how to start your own business mentoring program
How to choose between one-to-one business mentoring and group mentoring
What she's learned from running the program three times
How to know whether you need a business coach or a business mentor
When to start your own business mentoring group
How Catherine fills her groups every time, and with waiting lists
Why you need to be careful when choosing a business mentoring program

Inspiring Women

Dr. Joanna Martin 
Nick James 

Things We Discussed

Video e-course
Upcoming webinars
Get More Clients Saying Yes
One day live event on 28 November (I'll be there!)

Connect With Catherine


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