Hameed Bankole is a 20 something young man I met by happenstance at a local fine dining Italian restaurant called Osteria Bigolaro.  Hameed was my server, an excellent one at that.  We connected very quickly especially after our quick talk about me controlling the amount of starches and carbs I consume. He found it quite amusing that I was at an Italian restaurant. After a short conversation with Hameed I learned his passion for health and fitness.  He shared with me that he had done a 19-day water fast and how some of today's foods are only here for mouthfeel and what that does to the brain.  I knew that this was information that came from a breakthrough moment…people didn’t just have this knowledge and passion without having experienced some sort of aha moment in their life.  So I asked him…where did this passion come from.  Hameed told that just 1 year ago he weighed 300 pounds.  He was overweight and unhappy.

Here is what Hameed has to say about his journey
"I'm someone who finds out just how little they know every day. This journey that I've been on this life has taught me that when you slow down and pay attention, life can be a lot easier than you're making it. I'm still trying to figure it out like everyone else but I know that I'm getting closer to finding out who I really am every day"

 Join me on this episode of Intentionally Lola while Hameed shares with us his journey and his philosophies on what a shift in perspective does for the brain and the body.  Also on what food is supposed to taste like.  We go deep into what happens when you start using food for fuel rather than pleasure. 

Music by Matt Biskie and The Island City "Little Flaws"

Go to Intentionallylola.com to learn more about our mission and what we offer

Intentionally Lola is sponsored by Lola.  Lola is a small salon with a big personality.  They know the power behind the added confidence that comes from looking and feeling your best.  That is how they are changing the world one head at a time.  Visit Lolabygina.com to learn more about them and to schedule your experience.

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