Elizabeth Yarnell is a traditional naturopath and certified LEAP Therapist who is on a mission to redefine MS and autoimmunity.  She helps autoimmune sufferers in her nationwide clinic using non-pharmaceutical therapies to empower them to reclaim her health.  She is the award-winning author of Glorious One Pot Meals and the inventor of a cooking method that allows for simplified cooking of nutritious meals that are delicious.

Elizabeth was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in 1999 after an overnight, scary, change in her vision led her to the doctor.
She quickly lost all of the vision in her right eye, and was convinced to take a disease modifying prescription to manage her decline.
While on the medication, Elizabeth had serious side effects.  She had hives from each injection, and eventually seizures.

Elizabeth stopped the medication after three years and began to change her diet from processed foods to real foods.
She began to reclaim her health.

Having never been a cook, Elizabeth invented and patented a new way to cook that was simple and didn't require a lot of work in the kitchen.
She published her cookbook Glorious One Pot Meals to help others do the same.  All meals can be built in 15 minutes and then cooked in the oven, hands off.

Elizabeth became a traditional naturopath and helps others heal as she has.

At 53, Elizabeth is free of disabilities!!!
She knows how to trigger and how to manage flares.

Whole foods are the first key to health.
Elizabeth's TedX talk in 2014 - Poisons In Our Food

As a functional medicine practitioner she focuses on defining root causes and triggers of chronic inflammation.

Go to multiplesclerosis.com to find the top foods to avoid if you have autoimmunity (or if you want to be healthy).

Food and other products

Beware also of "natural flavors" and "fragrance"