Today we are joined by Dr. Lisa Grant, OMD and we are talking about Autoimmune Thyroid DIsease and Fertility.  Dr. Lisa is a double board-certified Oriental Medicine Doctor specializing in fertility, and the owner of Fertility Reset Online, where she supports couples in building the families they dream of.

Lisa started her journey as a patient.  She struggled with digestive distress that got worse as time went on.  Western Medicine doctors couldn't find the problem.  When it was so bad that Lisa could barely eat without extreme pain, she found an article that pointed her toward acupuncture.

Sure enough, acupuncture helped ease her symptoms, and continued to improve her health.  As she was looking for a career change, Lisa decided to go to school and practice the medicine that had so significantly impacted her health.

Lisa wasn't focused on fertility at first.  Having had five pregnancies and three miscarriages, she wasn't sure she was ready to support others in that way.

Until a friend turned to her for support in conceiving.  The rest is history!

Lisa helps fill in the gaps in the fertility experience.  Often her patients have fertility specialists and Lisa's work complements the treatment path.

The importance of a FULL thyroid panel:
Most Western Physicians are only testing TSH and T4 levels.
They are missing key pieces of information regarding thyroid health.

If fertility issues are present, it is essential to check thyroid anitbodies, along with free T3 and rT3 as well.
So many of Lisa's patients have undiagnosed Hashimoto's
The symptoms are chameleon-like!

Chinese Medicine Approach
Thyroid is on the spleen and kidney meridians.
Kidney rations energy
Spleen - nurturing and nourishment

The thyroid is the energetic thermostat

Carrying a baby is like being an olympic athlete!
If our body doesn't have enough resources for full health, it won't allow or maintain the pregnancy.
Must build foundations of wellness first!

Where to start?

No cheating!

75% of time Lisa sees thyroid antibodies correct with this perhaps difficult, but SIMPLE step!

Lisa's gift for you:
go to and use code Inspirednow20 for 20% off!

Why aren't doctors catching this?
If only testing TSH, they are missing what's going on until the thyroid has sustained significant damage.  They are missing subclinical thyroid issues that when treated, could prevent the damage.

Get a full panel!!!

Lisa's One Step...
If you have to ask...the answer is NO!  No Gluten!  No Wiggle Room!