Megan Evans is the creator of The MS Stage, and brings her love of theater and dance, coupled with almost two decades of journey with MS to her very different kind of support group for women with MS.

Megan has had health challenges her whole life.  She was born with Immune Deficiency Syndrome and spent years on antibiotics and antihistamines.  At age 14 she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  She never let her health struggles hold her back.
After college Megan moved to NYC, just before 9/11.  She went through the emotional trauma of the event, and was exposed to the smoke and debris dust, as so many were.

Her first MS symptoms appeared a few months later, when she began to experience dizziness.  Without any clear medical answers, as the dizziness cleared up, Megan moved forward with her career plans.

Three years later, as she was moving to LA, Megan lost feeling in the left side of her body.  The doctor told her it was likely either a stroke, a tumor, or MS.
At that time Megan had one lesion on her brain, which did not meet the criteria for an MS diagnosis.
But the neurologist told her, "you'll end up in a wheelchair one day."

Megan was determined to find solutions and began her journey of changing her diet and looking for answers.  She did "all the things."
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, etc,

She was determined not to own the label of MS.

Over the next 14 years, while her symptoms were mostly controlled, there were flairs, hospital visits, steroid treatments.
And through it all...Megan kept working.  Even from her hospital bed.

5 years ago Megan experienced a bad episode.  She lost feeling from the neck down,
She had been pushing a detox too far for her body, which is very sensitive. She had been working too hard as a personal stylist, and she had many more lesions.

She finally began MEDITATING.  The one thing she had resisted.
She began to dig deep in her emotional work, going for therapy.

Her shift...ACCEPTANCE
Acceptance in champion mode!  Not victim mode!
It was time to be truly empowered!

She took a year off, studying Gabby Bernstein's work, and taking her spirituality to a new level.

Theater and Dance are in Megan's bones, she majored in them in college.
Through her work on herself, Megan realized it was time to incorporate them back into her life, and she could bring them to others to help them heal.

Megan created The MS Stage to help women with MS find empowerment and healing through movement and dance.
She teaches mindfulness tools to get them into their bodies and hearts.

A key step in the program is to name your symptom.  Befriend it.  Really get to know it and how it is trying to help you.

This is her One Thing for you to do.  Explore the character that is your symptom!