Happy Birthday, Dad! - Today, I am honoring my father, Gordon Berryman Sr., who died in his sleep due to a heart attack on July 2, 1999, at the young age of 65, but would have turned 90 today if he were still with us in physical form.
Today, my guest is one of my closest Brothers Philip Pape, who happens to be a father of two young girls, a nutrition coach, an avid lifter, and a podcaster who in so many ways is the perfect person to talk to when it comes to using fitness to ensure you can leave the legacy you want to leave for the people you love the most.

If being the best father you can be is important to you, or, if you're like me and you don't have kids but you're still passionate about leaving a legacy you can be proud of, this episode is for you.


When it comes to the ultimate workout that is everyday life, we all need a spot from time to time to carry the weight of relationships, mental health, work, and living with purpose.

Share this episode with a Brother you sense needs a spot or if you're the one struggling to lift the weight, share it with the one guy you know is always there to give you a spot when you need it.

I'm all about giving a spot when a Brother needs one so feel free to hit me up for a spot on IG @ignitetheimapct so we can train together towards Igniting the Impact you wish to see in your world.


My Brother Philip who you can connect with onHis PodcastInstagramHis WebsiteYour FREE Results Breakthrough Call


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