In this episode, Dallas Graham shares his inspiring story of how a friend's young son, Nathan, who died from a rare disease ignited a fire in him to make a difference in the lives of children like Nathan and their communities. The Red Fred Project was born out of Nathan's connection to Dallas, and many children like Nathan are now being seen as authors of their own stories!

About Dallas: 

Dallas Graham is a fortysomething, Salt Lake City creative interested in books, birds, stories, kindness, photography, letters, yoga, natural parks, punctuation marks, giant eggs, compassion, making hummus, collaborations, and hiking with others. He is learning there are many ways to solve problems—especially when working with people who care about other people, whether they are friends or strangers.

Dallas is an independent publisher and the executive director of the Red Fred Project and is currently creating life legacies in the form of children’s books with kiddos dotting the United States. “We are producing the greatest stories ever told.” Would you like to help him with his book-making mission? Good. He’d love your help. Give him a call.

About the Red Fred Project:

The Red Fred Project finds children living in extraordinary circumstances (rare diseases and life-threatening illnesses) and asks them the question: If you could write a book for the entire world to read, what would it be about? The stories they share are filled with humor, compassion and wisdom. The books they create together become a vehicle for these stories. They become a lasting voice, a tangible achievement for each child. As part of the proceeds from each book sold go to the family, or to a related cause chosen by the child, the books are also a way to help with financial difficulties. You see? The magic multiplies & lives on forever. You will be inspired by the talent and imagination of these children.