Namelokai Sein Kina has a sad and extraordinary story. As a survivor of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), sexual abuse, bullying, and more, she chose to become a lioness despite her past and help others by bringing awareness and hope to all people who have suffered. *Be aware that this episode may trigger some, and it is NOT for everyone.

About Namelokai:

Namelokai Sein Kina

Founder of Keep Girls Safe Foundation and an alum of Wichita State University, Namelokai Sein Kina holds Bachelors of Arts degrees in Women's Studies and Social Work. She also has a Masters of Arts in Social Work, a certificate with the Board of Immigration Appeal, and an FGM expert, a Certified Human rights Consultant, Certified DISC Behavior Consultant.  Namelokai has more than two decades of personal and professional practice in community-based advocacy for the campaign against female genital mutilation (FGM), domestic violence, and forced child marriages

With various first-hand expertise and experience and operating from a strengths-based social justice perspective, Namelokai has served locally, nationally, and internationally as an advocate, project coordinator for gender-specific programming, and human rights campaigner, working to eliminate FGM.  Specifically, she has acted as a forerunner in advancing broad-based community awareness and FGM prevention programming by advocating for an alternative rite of passage in Kenya and passing laws in Kansas and Kenya. additionally, Namelokai and works with multidisciplinary professionals who serve the young people who are subjugated to and who have survived FGM


Namelokai has a passion for bridging the gap between direct practices, research, and policy to eradicate FGM globally.  She has been locally and internationally recognized through honors and awards, particularly for her work supporting girl child education in Kenya, saving young girls from FGM, and working with women and girls at risk of or subjugated forced child marriages and FGM.


Namelokai is the Author of a book to be released in August of 2021. A Twist in the Survivor of female genital Mutilation. She hopes that Survivors will know what happened to them, don't define them, and they are not what happened to them. They are what they decide to do once now that they know it's OK not to be OK. Get inspired to create change, learned about the culture of FGM, demand policy change, and survivors will get empowered, know they are not alone, end the stigma, and know there is help to getting their clitoris back.