Why is it that some intimate relationships thrive, whereas others are in jeopardy during this pandemic? One of the world's most sought after and expert relationship coaches, Annie Lalla, tells us why in this insightful episode.

Annie is one of my coaches - she, her husband Eben Pagan and next week's guest, Warren McKee, are my amazing 'coach' instructors and I'm so impressed by each of them. Let me tell you more about this incredible woman.

About Annie:

Directly from her website, here's a taste:

Annie Lalla
~ Cartographer of Love ~
“If you don’t believe in True Love, how can you ever have it?”


With an Honors Science Degree in Biology & Philosophy (minor in Buddhism), my studies include evolutionary psychology, integral theory, spiral dynamics, inter-generational family systems and therapeutic sexuality. With professional certifications in Coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnosis, my tools extend to metaphoric narrative, role-play and interacting with clients as their highest selves.


In my coaching, I help individuals attract, create and foster extraordinary connections that maximize freedom and minimize shame.
I work with two types of people:

  • Singles who are done with dating & ready to find their partner

  • Couples wanting to resolve conflicts that erode their connection

Check out more @ www.annielalla.com