Previous Episode: EP 42: Dropping Armor
Next Episode: EP 44: Taking Sexy Back

In this episode, we talk about a variety of strategies that help us to fight fair. We start out by going through our “top ten” list: compromising, apologizing and making amends, acknowledging intent and impact, taking one for the team (without keeping score), accessing support from other sources, going to bed angry, taking responsibility, focusing on the issue at hand, listening, and writing it down. Throughout the episode, we review ways that different styles of communication and the various dynamics in relationships can impact conflict. We end this episode with a couple of bonus strategies as well as some questions you can ask yourself and your partner to help you both fight more fairly. 

Do try this at home:

Look for the bigger meaning under the argument. What is the unspoken topic underneath? Go deeper than the surface topic to avoid having the same argument repeatedly. Pay attention to how you argue. Is there anything you can learn about your or your partner’s communication style that can help you fight more fairly in the future. Look inward, acknowledge power you do have, and take responsibility for what is yours.