In this episode of Insight Mind Body Talk, Jeanne talks with certified yoga therapist Nikki Cook about what makes trauma-informed yoga unique. The language, the environment and the emphasis on the mind-body connection are crucial for healing. But what about fun? Nikki and Jeanne talk about the importance of play and joy, which you can find on the mat or in the air. With aerial yoga, you can fly (safely!) in a hammock with the support of knowledgeable instructors, all while supporting your nervous system.

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David EmersonTrauma Center Trauma Sensitive YogaFor more information about Emerson's trauma-sensitive yoga program, click hereYogaFitFor more information about the trauma-informed Warrior's program, click hereNikki Cook, MS, C-IAYTContact Nikki at [email protected]

Produced by Jeanne Kolker
Edited by Jeanne Kolker
Music by Jason A. Schultz

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