Julie Cole is a recovered lawyer, mom of six and co-founder of Mabel's Labels. She helped her company bring their product to a worldwide market, gain media recognition and win countless entrepreneur awards.

Mabels Labels early beginnings were humble, starting as many women do bootstrapping and working late hours while the kids are asleep. 

Julie shares what it takes to start, the messy middle and the learning that comes from growing a business with partners to reach a point to be able sell it.

Even if you're not thinking of selling your business, the sage advice from Julie paints a picture of possibilities and will you accelerate your company's growth.

Some of the  insights we cover are:

Know your WHY and create a service or product to fill a gap.

Develop and take care of your personal brand.

Put yourself out there.

Tap into your strengths and keep learning.

Hire people and contractors to do the work that's not your unique gift or talent.

Learn to leave your ego at the door.

Julie's upcoming book, Like a Mother coming out in May 2022. 

Follow Julie, subscribe to her blog and youtube channel and learn more about Mabels Labels:


Youtube: https://youtu.be/8WSvFi2YdAg