If you’re anything like me, I imagine you’ve got a lot going on. Projects, hiring team members, putting out fires, keeping the day-to-day on track, and trying to lift your head and keep your team and initiatives on track.  You’re longing to have more space and energy for yourself and the things that matter. And to do this, you know you need to hand off responsitibity to others on your team. But delegating isn’t like handing the baton in the relay. People and projects are complex, and to delegate well, we need to hone some new skills.  

Learning the skill of effective delegation takes some upfront investment from you.  And it’s an investment that will pay off exponentially, allowing you to focus on thinking strategically, using your strengths and developing your team's strengths. Avoiding putting in the time to learn to delegate well, your team will be underutilized and frustrated by the lack of opportunity to learn and take on new responsibilities.

Learning delegate effectively, you’ll want to focus on these 

Outcome Clarity- essential to know what you want the outcome is of the project or task you’re delegating to be. If you don’t  know what the result is, you can’t  expect someone else to know either Define and Assess: the skill and capabilities needed to do what you want to be done.  Determine the Decision: Decide the authority the person you delegate to will need. Set up the Conversation with the person you’ve identified as the best person to delegate to and ensure you have uninterrupted time to talk it through. Check-in on Their Capacity: Ask them if they have the time, energy, and bandwidth to meet your quality expectations and timeframe. STAY INVESTED in the person’s success to deliver a great outcome Follow up Afterwards- have a conversation, see how it went for the person you delegated to, and provide feedback from your perspective. 


Delegating is how you develop your team to make and fulfill more complex commitments together. You’ll limit overwhelm and free up time to focus on high-value activities, so you can accelerate your results.


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