So, what is your relationship with time like?

Time and the perception of time are elements of just about every part of our day. It comes up in most of my coaching conversations, and most often, it's about a lack of time, urgency or feeling that time is running our day. Your days are full of service delivery, taking care of your team, clients and all the details of running a business.

Finding the time to work on the strategic growth initiatives you know will add value to your clients, team, and business can feel elusive. We can get caught riding on hope for more time to suddenly appear or soothe ourselves in a story that “one-day” time will open up for the things we really want to work on.

Rather than remaining caught in feeling powerless, I’m inviting you to reimagine your relationship with time and learn how to create the time we want for our wildly important projects and to take care of the things that matter to us.