Stragegy #5: Re-energize yourself without breaking a sweat. Which training is the best to balance out a stressful phase of your life? When you feel exhausted and burned-out, you need to choose a workout that counteracts what made you burn out in the first place. Create an oasis of calm, where you don’t work up a sweat, where you don’t compete and compare and struggle to reach a certain goal. Find a real cool down for your body and your mind that makes you feel like a brand new person fully of fresh energy and inner calm. Sending you my hugest smiles, Suzanne. Get in touch and talk to me about my show and what you would love to hear: on my blog ( or @suzannefreiherz on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. And find out what I do besides talking to you: YUNA® ( and @yunakeepflowing on Instagram and Facebook.

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