Joy and facts instead of dramas. If a situation is difficult, we don’t have to make it worse and more complicated. Sure, we all deal with stress in different ways but to make mountains out of molehills is never helpful. Instead, we can look at the challenge differently and find out: How can I make things better and easier for me and possibly even for others? Find out how you can look at a difficult situation differently and by doing so, transform the challenge into something more joyful or simply into something manageable. Don’t believe everything that the drama queens and drama kings in your head are telling you. You are a powerful being. Invest your power to create a positive change. Sending you my hugest smiles, Suzanne. Get in touch and talk to me about my show and what you would love to hear: on my blog ( or @suzannefreiherz on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. And find out what I do besides talking to you: YUNA® ( and @yunakeepflowing on Instagram and Facebook.

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