Mark starts with the IMC flywheel of life

Todays topic is self respect or self dignity and how it impacts relationships

Mark says it was at the core of his divorce

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything

He shares his thoughts about the mask mandates

Jim asks Mark to read the definitions of self-respect and self-dignity

Jim brings the wheel back in, shares the 5 categories and he lands on Relationships

Mark reflects back on his upbringing and his family’s evolution

He cites his sister’s disrespectful posture and then he shares his disagreement with his daughter about BLM

Jim applauds Mark’s ability to maintain his self-respect

Jim talks a bit about his dad’s ability to demand/maintain his self respect

Both guys suggested men are being challenged in this area all the time

Jim says when a leader caves, he can’t get that back

The guys bring childhood fighting and sports into the discussion

Then mark shares his experience with employees who give up their dignity at work

Mark tells his self respect story from 25 years ago

Jim reflects on Marks story with praise and cites his self-control too

Jim thinks the self respect issue is very different between men and woman

He shares his views on his dealings with women

Mark talks about relationships and how different they can be

Jim says “manage the crazy” and the guys have fun with it.  He says we’re all “crazy”

Both guys think masculinity and femininity are being challenged and the roles are blurred

Man needs woman and woman needs man

Mark talks about his current relationship and how the roles have developed. He attributes their success to the level of dignity they both encourage each other to maintain

Jim brings crazy back up and how triggering it is - they get a few laughs

Jim talks about his wife’s reaction to “crazy”

Mark says people give up their dignity too easily.  How you say things is important

Jim brings up cancel culture and how bad that is

Mark thinks the current people in power are asking us to give up our self respect

Jim brings up the shift in schools around bullying and how teachers can’t discipline anymore

Mark shares a junior high school fight story…Jim has one of his own too

Mark thinks young men are being weakened

Jim tells his story about misbehaving in class when he was young - one of the best lessons he ever received

Mark says even if you don’t feel it right away, giving up your self respect eats away at your soul

He also says that anyone who would intentionally try to take another’s self respect away is evil

Jim shares his experience with a manipulative leader who cut down students in a group he was in

Jim brings up the military and their psychological training

Mark brings up the difference - sacrificing their lives - requires a different set of rules