Mark begins with the wheel and the concept of authenticity. You begin in the center with self and it’s fascinating how you can then connect it to all 5 areas of life

Mark tells how the topic came up in a LinkedIn connection earlier in the day

Both guys agree that bragging online about material possessions doesn’t work anymore…maybe it never did

Mark talks about how authenticity is dominating his life lately

Jim shares his viewpoint and brings AI into the conversation and how AI could potentially bring a lot of inauthentic information into the world. He expands on how we don’t really trust institutions anymore.  Advertisers, brands, etc

He says you can’t fake authenticity…you’ll eventually be found out

Mark reflects on his evolution from how he communicated as a young man and how he has discovered his authenticity and feels much braver in his content creation.  Authenticity has become his goal

Jim is reminded of why we named our podcast the Imperfect Mens Club

Jim suggests that authenticity is more challenging when you are younger

He talks about shedding the people who don’t serve you

Mark suggests that being authentic is risky, but it’s OK to lose people who don’t serve you

The guys bring up worldview and Mark say our “leaders” are in authentic and it has invaded most institutions

Jim bring up his mom and how she feels that it’s noisier now then ever.  People in positions of power and influence can no longer be trusted

Jim calls them paid actors

Mark talks about the left going back into people’s personal accounts to find dirt

He also acknowledges that people evolve and change

They bring up Joe Rogan and Bill Maher and Jim mentions Jon Stewart

Mark says he does not demonize people, but the left does

Jim brings up Biden and how sad he is.  Also all the people that defend his sanity - inauthentic

Both guys suggest that the far left develops narratives based on rumors and lies

They have fun with how inauthentic Kamal Harris is

Gavin Newsome rounds out politics and inauthenticity

Mark shifts the conversation to the topic of health, both physically and mentally

Jim reenforces the notion of “your best self” and the importance of having an authentic story - your origin story. He’s more comfortable now sharing his flaws and challenges

Mark gives Jim credit for his evolution of authenticity

Mark talks about some of his challenges

Jim brings up his revelation about Mark’s divorce story

You can get bitter or you can get better

The guys discuss transparency and the idea of doing what you say you are going to do

Mark gives his example of looking for people who do and say the same things

Jim ends with the importance of surrounding yourself with authentic people

Mark cites his more recent success on LinkedIn and how more people following him who are also trying to be authentic.