Mark starts out with the wheel and announces we will have a guest on today - Jeff Otis

He addresses the flywheel and suggests today’s “self-“ focus will be on self awareness and self confidence as it pertains to leadership

Mark tosses it to Jim and Jim talks about how we all met

Jim welcomes Jeff and Jeff says hello

Jim takes Jeff around the wheel and starts with worldview

Jeff tells us where he’s from - Beaverton OR…it’s also where he still lives

His community was tight and there were great communities and leaders

Jeff played baseball all the way thru college

As far as politics, Jeff is an independent and looks for what is practical and makes sense

Jeff started looking into what makes up a great leaders.  He shares some insight about Oregon

He talks about the men in his life and sports and then he tells us about moving into work in staffing which was dominated by women. He has three daughters

Jeff talks about how important it is to pause and reflect on who you’re speaking to before speaking

Jim asks Jeff about his male role models and starts with his dad…and little league

Then Jeff names off the coaches who helped shape him. He was on 21 different championship teams!

His high school had 13 guys who went D1 or pro!

Jim shares his high school football success and speaks of the “winning culture”

Jeff reflects on being a pitcher and Jim folks about how pitchers are a bit off:)

Jim m loves on to health - Jeff shares how important mental toughness and resilient are so important

Jeff shares agin how important pausing and reflecting are

Next is money - Jeff reflects on money. “Monet kind of finds you when you need it”

Jim quotes “When I stopped chasing money and women, they started chasing me”

Jim brings Mark back into the discussion. Mark talks a bit about the work we are now doing together

Mark asks Jeff to speak further about his program that is now “our” program

Jeff discusses how we met and started to collaborate

Jim jumps in and asks Jeff about his professional journey. Jeff went in to staffing (just like Mark!)

He gets into detail about his 15 year career in staffing and his subsequent growth into the leadership space.  He found that people went down 2 available forks   Victim or transformation

He noticed that people needed help when they hit the wall. He went into digital marketing, his kids started to reach young adulthood, the internet became mainstream and smartphones came out

He felt compelled to help people craft their successful future selves

Jeff shares how the Project OTY evolved from this discovery and how he began to have success with young people

Jim asks Mark’s opinion - Marks talks about his kids and helping them find work and how he evolved into coaching. No one gave themselves permission to dream. Many had no purpose. Enter Jeff

What’s your unique strength, what’s your vision and how do you define success - most people seemed to struggle with all three

Jeff begins talking about how we all fit together.  He describes his Project OTY “Build Your Roadmap” Program

He calls it developing that “North Star”

Jim offers up another quote - Momentum. “If you’re on a bike and you freeze, you fall down”. He shares a quick story about his daughter’s flight to Japan and how it will “off course” 99% of the time. Jeff - it’s like a guided missile

Jeff says most people want to help but many don’t know how - That’s what Jeff’s program helps with

His program takes the what and why and adds the how through his critical thinking journey

You can’t take anybody where they want to go until you help them define where they want to go, building structure and confidence

Mark pipes in with more insight about what the audience might get from the partnership and then moves into their current working plan. The program establishes a foundation, a working document for life.

Jeff - we live in a world of distractions and everyone needs a plan to get them back on track

Jim bring in the 5 W’s - Who, what, when, where and why. He quotes Thomas Sowell “When you want to help people, you tell them the truth, when you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear”

Jim cites the value of a coach…an objective third party

Jeff talks about accountability and how important it is

Mark end with how optimistic he is about the future