Mark introduces the concept of unconscious bias and frames it in the context of the IMC flywheel of life and the 5 areas of life

The topic came up as a result of conversations Jim had recently with a couple of friends over dinner and drinks, both attorneys

Jim suggests we all have a “team” whose membership creates some our unconscious biases

Mark immediately thought about what his unconscious biases are and proposes that our language is being bastardized. How important it is to define words before talking about them. Words mean different things to different people

Jim and his friends spoke of the need for 3 things

Free education

Free healthcare

Changes to corporate greed

Jim cites the CEO of PG&E getting a 40 million dollar bonus while utility rates in CA skyrocket.  The politicians are in the pocket of the large  institutions - collusion

Mark agrees theoretically but disagrees about how to get there.  Jim presses Mark and challenges his logic

Mark reframes his position and moves into education…a space he knows well

Mark agrees that education is fucked up. Way to expensive and bad curriculum. He speaks about how big college endowments are. 

Why is this happening and how did it happen

Mark suggests the problem is with the family and a move away from faith. Academia is a mess

Jim talks about the government’s responsibility to make America safe and they’re dropping the ball

Mark brings up the minimum wage movement

Jim talks about the lack of corporate support with regard to benefits and taxes

Mark talks about this concept with his companies

Jim brings up monopolies

Mark shares George Carlin’s routines and corporate greed.  Mark asks “how did this happen and why did this happen?

Mark brings up Big Pharma and the hoax that is drugs for symptoms

Mark brings up victimhood

Jim brings up DEI and meritocracy

Mark jumps on DEI and then reads the definition of meritocracy

Mark references his daily prayer and the notion of holding people accountable with compassion

Ability and talent are the path to performance and achievement. But without performance, rewards can’t exist

Mark talks about group think and division

Jim asks if the division is what sells. Politicians looking for votes and advertisers for money

Mark says human beings like watching tragedy

Mark quotes Denzel Washington - they don’t throw 7 year olds in jail - if it gets to “the system” it’s too late”. It’s the family, the father

Mark asks if he has an unconscious bias against black people.  Suggest no and why

He describes what a racists is to him

Mark talks about his two experiences where the police drew their guns on him

Jim laughs about his three times in handcuffs. “They had the right guy all three times”

Jim says unconscious bias is a necessary survival tool

He goes on about crime in CA and it’s because of zero accountability

Mark talks about the far left and right fringes

Jim says common courtesy cuts across all groups

Both guys suggest the cities with problems have brought the problems on themselves by who they keep voting for

Mark brings up the girl recently killed in GA by an illegal immigrant

Then he talks about Riley Gaines story

Jim says this behavior is hurting women…setting them back

Mark talks about the waste in the healthcare space and the administrative burden

Jim laughs about how healthcare and utility companies can afford to put their names on stadiums

Mark ends with a suggestion - We all should ask ourselves what our unconscious biases might be before we speak, write or present to the world