Today, we're gonna be talking about something that could be considered a little edgy, a little controversial, if you will. And that is the question was Jesus a hypnotist? Now, quick disclaimer, this episode is not about religion. And we certainly on the show are not interested in trying to press on anyone's particular belief system. 

We're not saying what's right and what's wrong, what did or what didn't happen. We're simply asking questions. And again, looking at things from a new perspective, a new angle. And so we want to draw some parallels between the supposed miracles that Jesus was performing during his lifetime. And what we're able to do today through hypnotism, and through hypnosis and creating altered states of reality within someone's mind. And so today's show is a previous recording of another conscious community class, where Matthew shares his insight and perspective on what he thinks was going on back then, in the time of Jesus, and what he thinks may be similar to what we're doing today with hypnosis. So he's going to talk about, you know, this idea of hypnotism and where it started, because back then, honestly, they didn't have a word called hypnosis. They didn't, you know, they weren't hypnotists, they definitely weren't practicing as hypnotists or hypnotherapists, but there may have been something called mesmerism. 

You know, he's going to talk about this guy Mesmer, and sort of this idea that he was playing around with, with, you know, transferring these different life forces between people and, and, you know, Matthew is also going to look into these different stories that were in the Bible talking about how people were in these different levels of sleep, and sleep states. He's also going to define, you know, what hypnotism actually is, and what a hypnotherapist is, and then just give his perspective, again, on whether or not Jesus was a hypnotist, and really, more importantly, what Jesus was doing when he was creating these miracles right when he was performing these miracles on people. And how is that similar? or How can that be compared to what we're able to do today. And so I really hope you enjoy this show, it's very fascinating information. 

Again, this is going to be part one of a two-part series, this class ran a little over an hour and a half. And I want to keep these episodes to under an hour. So I went ahead and cut this one down in half. This is part one, and you'll get Part Two next week.