Hey, everyone, welcome back to illuminated mind. This is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today's complex world. I'm your host, Corey Benschop. And I really appreciate you tuning in today. So I've personally been on this journey of spiritual development and discovery for the last couple of years. And something that's been popping up on my radar recently, is this book called A Course in Miracles. Maybe you're familiar with it, but if not it, from what I understand, it's basically the self study manual that includes 365 daily lessons that you can follow, that help you move into a way of being that just is more peaceful and fulfilling. It seems like it helps you go from this ego centric sort of fear based mindset into more of a vibration of love, and coming from a place of spirit. And as I've been going through my hypnotherapy training, and learning more about Matthew Brownstein and his teachings, I've heard him talk about this book called A Course in Miracles. Now, he's referenced it many times. And so I wanted to bring him on and ask him to explain to me and to us, what is a course in miracles? And you know, why should we be paying attention, I really am a firm believer that if something enters your life, once, you know, it could be happenstance or whatever, it could be chance, if it enters your life twice. Well, maybe that's a coincidence, but I really don't believe in coincidences. But the third time it comes knocking, you really need to start paying attention. And so of course, in miracles has now knocked on my door a number of times, and I think now is the time to give it the attention that it deserves. So in today's episode, we're gonna dive in deep into what A Course in Miracles is, where it came from, how it can help us move into this space of love and come from a place of spirit. And Matthew is going to give us his explanation. And he's going to tell us how he got introduced to it as well. So I really hope you enjoy this conversation. And at the end, I'll tell you how you can actually get access to this book, if you're interested in learning more. So enjoy. And I'll see you at the end.