What's up, everyone? Welcome back to the podcast. I hope you're having an amazing day. Thank you so much again for joining us this week, we have another great episode for you. Today is actually part two of the series that we started last week, which is all about what is interpersonal hypnotherapy. So last week, we talked a lot about the history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and sort of where a lot of these ideas originated and came from and some of the different pioneers along the way that have made tremendous contributions to the profession as a whole. And then how we are working to really push that forward and to continue to increase the professionalism and the level of transformation that's possible through hypnosis. You know, we have the institute here of interpersonal hypnotherapy, as well as the International Association of interpersonal hypnotherapy. So between IH and I Aih, we're really working hard again, to just bring a high level of legitimacy to this career, and to this industry as a whole. And to really protect hypnotherapy as a profession for all of you listening, as well as us and any other hypnotherapist in the world, to really be able to bring this transformation to their clients. I believe, personally, that this is an extremely fascinating and important line of work that we're in. I think that it's more necessary now than maybe ever before. But again, that's just from my perspective, as a 35 year old male and living in, you know, the 21st century. But it's it's interesting how our world is today. And I think that through hypnotherapy, we can really help each other grow and transform, and just continue to evolve as a human species. I know that's a it's big thinking, but I really believe that that's what's happening. And that's what's transpiring right now. Anyways, today again, we're diving into part two of what is interpersonal hypnotherapy? With this episode, we're actually going to really get into the specifics of interpersonal hypnotherapy. Okay, so this idea of the interpersonal part, right? We know what hypnotherapy is. But what does the interpersonal aspect of it? And what does that add? So we're going to talk about some stuff like the rapid Resolution Protocol, the 10 Minute Miracle Cure, it's, you know, a little bit of a hypee sort of name, but we definitely are creating miracles here with this work. So I don't think that that's out of reason to call it the 10 Minute Miracle Cure. You know, most people really don't realise the true power of the mind, and how our mind is actually creating our reality. every moment of every day that we live that we experienced, that we perceive as our life, it's all starting in the mind. And if you've ever watched the movie, The Secret, then you know, the famous line that thoughts become things. I really, truly believe that that is true, you know, our thoughts originate in our mind, and they become the things that we experience in our life. So this interpersonal idea is all wrapped around the mind and how we create our life and our reality. And really, in this episode, we're going to look at, you know, how peace is actually health and why you really shouldn't discount that simple statement. Also, we're going to take a look at the separation and the ego. You know, again, we alluded to this in last week's episode, but the ego has multiple parts, and we we all have these parts going basically at war against each other on a regular basis inside of our mind. So the ego is separated into the adult mind, the child mind and the parent mind, also called ego states. Again, we all have these different ego states, in our minds and in our in our subconscious, and some of them are stronger than others, some of them are more dysfunctional than others, but they're all in there and they all have a voice and you know, they are all sort of communicating with each other. And so this is really the root of our problems in life really. We're going to talk about why a lot of physical sickness and the the behaviours that we experience, why they're really just symptoms and how interpersonal hypnotherapy addresses those symptoms and really addresses the underlying problem that's causing those symptoms. This is all about returning to spirit returning to our oneness, our healthy best highest self, okay, that's that's our aim here with interpersonal hypnotherapy is to allow ourselves and our clients to really become one with what truly is. And that's the spirit of life. So, I hope you enjoy this episode. It's really really fascinating. Make sure you're listening. And if you haven't already done so make sure you subscribe to our podcast because we're putting out some amazing content like this every single week. Anyways, without further ado, let's go ahead and jump into Episode 23. What is interpersonal hypnotherapy? part two. 

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