What's up everyone, welcome back to the podcast. Thank you so much for joining us this week. I really hope you're having a nice day, and let's make it a little bit nicer. Today we are diving into the specifics around interpersonal hypnotherapy and more specifically the interpersonal part of it you know, what is enter personal hypnotherapy? Why do we call it enter personal hypnotherapy, the idea of interpersonal really boils down to the connections and the people that we have in our lives. And this idea was something that came to Matthew, actually, I believe in meditation, when, you know, he started thinking about just the school and the training that he was providing and how he really wanted to bring the deeper aspect of healing and transformation through with this sort of proprietary brand, if you will, of hypnotherapy training. So our institute is called the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy. It's because Matthew really wanted to focus heavily on this idea of the different people, so to speak, quote, unquote, people, okay, that we all have inside of our mind. So what we're really talking about here is the subconscious mind and how it can be broken down into multiple different parts, if you will, and these parts are always communicating with each other.  They really are creating the framework and the fabric of our perspective, right of how we internalise our life, our experience of life, and whether it's a good life or a bad life, the different problems that we think we may face, or that we, you know, deal with on a regular basis, the behaviours that we have, whether they're positive or negative behaviours, healthy or unhealthy behaviours. You know, these all stem from the subconscious mind and the different relationships that we have with ourselves and these parts have with each other. It's sort of a weird concept. But the idea, you know, not to say that we have multiple personalities, but there are definitely multiple parts inside of our mind. So Matthew is going to dive in, you know, and really explain this a lot better than what I'm doing right now, but really get to the granular level of what interpersonal hypnotherapy actually is, and what these different parts of our subconscious mind are, and why, you know, we're all at war with ourselves internally, and we all create this internal conflict and suffering based on the relationship that these parts have with each other. This is going to be a really interesting episode for you, this is going to be broken up into two parts. So this first part here is really actually going to focus more on some of the history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and where it all came from. It's really fascinating stuff because you're going to learn about how this all came to be. You know how hypnosis has transformed over the years and, and over the decades and how different pioneers have added their own little touch. And you know, I really want to believe that Matthew will go down in history as another pioneer moving this needle forward with hypnosis and hypnotherapy and his contributions to what he's created. You'll hear about the likes of mesmer and mesmerism, Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dave Elman, Gil Boyne. These are just some of the names of people that have really contributed a lot to this field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. And then obviously now with what we are offering from the Institute, as well as through the association that Matthew has put together called the International Association of interpersonal hypnotherapist or IH for short. I really hope you enjoy this one there's a lot to uncover and unpack in this episode. And then you know, again, this is only part one so make sure you're subscribed and that you get notifications because we'll be releasing Part Two next week, which is another great episode. Anyways, without further ado, let's go ahead and jump right into it. 

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