Hey everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm super glad to have you back today for the final part four of this series on how to be successful as a hypnotherapist.

So today we are going to pick back up with the review on the Life Mastery course and Matthew Brownstein is going to really dive into all of the different parts of it. There's six different sections of this Life Mastery course and really, it's a binder is what you end up creating. He goes through each section and then at the end, he finishes up kind of giving you a recap of all 12 prosperity principles.

So again, remember, this is all to help you be more successful in your business and in your life. In general. This is all about manifesting and creating the abundance and the prosperity, the success, whatever it is that you want to create in your life. This is how you do it.

Real quick, just to give you an introduction to what the Life Mastery course is, again, there's sort of six parts. Part one is your core mission statement. Part two is all about your values and life principles. Part Three is the universal laws that sort of govern existence as we know it (and when you understand these universal laws, you can really start to use them to your advantage). Part Four is the live categories prioritized. Part Five is your goals; short-term, mid-term, and long-term. And then Part Six is the 12 prosperity principles.

So again, this is a value-packed episode. There's a lot of information that you're going to understand and uncover in this episode, so it would do you a lot of good to have a pen and paper handy. Take some notes. And really use this as a guideline and take action on what you're learning in this episode.

Because the value of this Life Mastery course really is what it says it is - it helps you master your life. Your personal life, your professional life, and just gain success in all areas.

I really hope you enjoy this part four of being successful as a hypnotherapist. Enjoy this episode.

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