Hey, what's up everyone, welcome back to the podcast. And again, just a huge thanks for being such an amazing listener and joining this community. You know this has been a lot of fun so far. I really hope you guys are enjoying these episodes. So today, we're going to continue in this theme that we've been in for the last two weeks, which is all about success as a hypnotherapist. Today is actually part three of how to be successful in your own practice, you know, either as a hypnotherapist or honestly, doing any type of therapy or service-based business, all of these principles still apply. Right? So obviously, we're here talking directly to hypnotherapists, but if you're working as any type of alternative healer or a therapist, counselor, or coach of any sort, this stuff should be helping you and giving you ideas on how you can increase your business and increase your success.

So today, what we're going to be talking about is specifically, something that Matthew Brownstein has created called the Life Mastery course. Alright, so we're going to get into sort of an intro into what the Life Mastery course is, and really how to manifest your success and prosperity.

Anything that you can imagine that you want for your business for yourself or your success, this is literally how you can do that, and how you can create that. So Matthew Brownstein is going to share with you what he calls "mental technologies". The top five mental technologies that you can use to help manifest this success and prosperity in your life.

If you want to learn how to leverage the power of your mind, that's what this episode is all about. So you're going to learn these top five mental technologies, we're also going to get into different aspects of this Life Mastery course. So the first thing is the getting organized process, which is really about you know how to set up this whole process for yourself and for your business. And then we're going to start getting into some things called prosperity principles, which are just basic principles that you need to establish for yourself so that you can start manifesting this prosperity and success for yourself and for your business.

We'll call this part three. And then next week, we'll have part four where we'll finish up on the prosperity principles, and then finish up on the Life Mastery course. But there's just so much information I had to break this down into a couple of different classes. So I really hope you enjoy this episode.

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