Our inheritance and birthright is to be limitless. However, as we experience life’s challenges and difficulties, it’s really easy to become distracted and forget about our access to abundance and overflow. It’s our responsibility to shift our minds back to the original setting of limitlessness. That is what we will be doing in today’s segment...returning our thinking to the factory setting of being unquantifiably abundant in every area of our lives. Enjoy!


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Gain Instant Access to 4 of my Favorite Meditations. Short and sweet (8min or less) and created to breathe life into your belief system. Download them to your device so you can listen any time:: www.iamachie.com/resources 


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This personal development journey is extremely necessary but it can be overwhelming and mind-boggling. Need a little guidance on where to start? Go to www.iAmAchie.com to grab a free audio training & guide on how to simplify the process and only focus on TWO things! That’s right, I’m keeping it simple & actionable! 


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I Achie Podcast is edited and mastered by Podcast Engineers.