Did you ever wish you had a family where everyone was calm and happy?  There were no raised voices.  There were no angry words.  Your parents provided a good home with home cooked meals and a warm bed and you always knew you were loved?  It feels like you would have everything you needed right?  But what about real, deep connection?  What about real communication?  What about when parents don't connect with you on a deeper level?  And what happens when you leave home and get out into the world and realise that you don’t know how to deal with emotions like anger from others because you never saw it.  It was never modelled at home in a positive or negative way.  You don’t know how to create boundaries because you’d never had to use them.  And you don’t understand the emotion of anger within yourself because you can’t recognise it.  Kimberly grew up in a home that gave her so many great things. But when there are emotions that you are never allowed to express, there comes a time when you begin to recognise that something is missing.  Please join me in hearing Kimberly’s story.

Kimberly recommends Untamed by Glennon Doyle https://amzn.to/3tkXjLA

You can find Kimberly on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/letyour9shine/

If you have a story to share for this podcast please connect with me at www.instagram.com/mybigloveproject or send an email to [email protected].  I would LOVE! to connect with you.