Having a narcissistic mother can be a living hell.  It can change everything. Manipulation, gaslighting and abuse are an everyday occurrence. Mostly as kids we have no idea what is going on. There can be so much confusion as we try to change our behavior to meet the narcissistic mother's expectations. We believe that if we can just do the right thing, please her, be the person she wants us to be? reach the dizzying heights of what she wants from us? that we will finally receive her love. Finally, she will love us, accept us, be there to understand us and hug and hold us when we cry.  But it's just not possible. Because the narcissist doesn't understand empathy or emotion. She operates from a sense of entitlement where her view of the world is the only view and nothing else is considered. There is no love or understanding. There is only manipulation and blame and this behaviour is there for a lifetime. I am chatting with Terry on the podcast this week. Terry had no idea her mom was a narcissist as she tried to mould and change herself to be loved. But once Terry understood, she knew she would eventually have to cut ties with this destructive force in her life. Terry is an Executive Coach and author of Winning The Game of Work. Please join me in hearing Terry's story.

Terry recommends The Art of Selfishness https://amzn.to/3sgLWTT and Courage is a Three Letter Word https://amzn.to/3tmbzE3

You can find Terry at www.linkedin.com/in/terrybmcdougall. Her book Winning The Game of Work www.tinyurl.com/gameofworkbook

If you have a story to share for this podcast please connect with me at www.instagram.com/mybigloveproject or send an email to [email protected].  I would LOVE! to connect with you.