How Do You Survive A Cult?

Between the ages of 0 - 5 years we are absorbing everything.  Like a sponge.  We are 'trained' by the world around us to take on the same beliefs, understandings, ideas as our caregivers. The way we do life is learnt and assimilated. And if we grow up in an extremely religious environment, this way is our normal. It's the only world we know. Luis grew up in the Jehova's Witness faith. He didn't celebrate birthdays, holidays or halloween. He wasn't allowed to mix with kids who were not Witnesses. And as a very young child he would preach to kids at school about how celebrating halloween would send them all to armageddon, because this was what he knew to be true. The fear and control around a young life within a strict religion is unbearable. And when you realise that something completely forbidden by the church, being gay, is who you are, what happens then? I am chatting with Luis this week and he gives a deep insight into growing up in a religious cult and how damaging it can be. How do you move on and create a life for yourself which is nothing like the one your parents expected for you?  

Luis recommends A Child Called It and Toxic Parents

You can find Luis on Instagram YouTube 


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