Steve Botz is the VP Sales at Jones Software. On today's episode, Manoj Jonna sits down with Steve to discuss his journey in sales. They cover many great topics, including: 

Gravitated towards early stage technology companies
Did not know what he wanted to do right out of college
Jumped around from jobs and internships to after the financial crisis in 2008
Sales is discipline; practice and hone your skills to succeed
Took many practice reps to figure out what he was doing right / wrong
Startups naturally fed his curiosity more than bigger companies
Students do not get taught about aspects of the basic sales motion in schools, and they need to!
Never underestimate your network
Patience is a premium skill to have and learn early in your career
Spent entire careers in sales, but fell into it like many others

We know you'll learn a ton from Steve's guidance. 

Enjoy this episode How I Sell - thank you for tuning in!