This is the last episode for Season 1 and we want to talk about the lie about men crying is a sign of weakness. Our men hurt just like everyone else. They should be able to show vulnerability and talk out their issues. Life is hard and the last thing our men need is being judged for speaking their truths. And parents, stop teaching your sons this same lie because it's far from the truth. Internalizing feelings leads to self-destruction. Our healing begins with our mouth talking out our deepest thoughts and issues with the right person. Let 2020 be the year you tear down toxic thoughts and be healed of old wounds. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! Subscribe to our podcast so you won't miss Season 2! Be encouraged!

If you have a story to tell or comments, email us at [email protected] 
Your name will not be broadcast. Also, the eBook, "Anything She Says", can be purchased at any online bookstore for 99 cents. 

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