“There are claims that glyphosate isn't harmful to our health because it specifically affects the ‘shikimate pathway’, which our human cells don’t have. But, our gut bacteria use this pathway to produce certain aromatic amino acids, which are crucial for DNA synthesis, neurotransmitters & nutrient production”

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and MS, EE and PhD degrees from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur.

Her investigations have led to a strong hypothesis that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the key factor in the autism epidemic and in many other neurological, metabolic, oncological and autoimmune diseases. She has authored over thirty peer-reviewed journal papers over the past few years on these topics, and has delivered numerous slide presentations around the world. She is currently writing a book on glyphosate that will hopefully be released in 2020.



We talk about:

The pesticide GLYPHOSATE & how its unavailable in our environment these days

It’s connection to conditions like autism, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome & cancer

How glyphosate & GMO crops work together & how this is harming our health and environment

How there’s glyphosate found in vaccines these days, along with other adjuvants like aluminium 

Stephanie’s thoughts & research on vaccinations & particularly the link with autism



Please note that when you search some of these studies, practitioners & mentioned connections, you will struggle to find a lot of information online & many of the google searches will say how they are ‘inaccurate’ & ’dangerous’ because of the censoring of ’alternative’ websites.

Here's a link to the video capturing conversations among experts advising WHO on vaccines:



Natural News had an article on it and they posted a transcript of what was said:



Secret Ingredient Movie


How to Detoxify Your Body from Glyphosate - Blog post


VAXXED documentary



A tale of 2 sides - book



How to end the autism epidemic- book



Dissolving Illusions



Episode #51 Benefits of Sulphur, Signs of Poor Sulphur Metabolism & Why Certain ‘Superfoods’ May Be Harming Your Health with Dr Greg Nigh

ITUNES - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/51-benefits-sulphur-signs-poor-sulphur-metabolism-why/id1449574387?i=1000461646071


YOUTUBE - https://youtu.be/1rzFbQDADYM


Episode #53 The Importance of Circadian Rhythm for Hormonal Health, Blocking Blue Light & Sleep Hacks with 'BluBlox' Founder Andy Mant

iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hormones-in-harmony/id1449574387#episodeGuid=hormonesinharmony.podbean.com%2F29a42c6d-1c93-59b3-8925-2b6159905f43

Youtube - https://youtu.be/jhfLY8TAd7E


Chlorine dioxide & autism connection

Andrew Wakefield

Professor Vijendra Kumar Singh


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