"EMF’s are not only linked to cancer, but they are linked to a whole host of modern diseases such as Alzhiemers, diabetes & depression"

Leonard Stafford holds an honours degree in Physiology and after teaching at a medical school in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, he returned to the UK to pursue a career in business. This culminated in a 20 year position as Deputy MD for the Nike Group of Companies in Bracknell.

Prior to his retirement in 2014 he became very interested in EMFs and whether they were detrimental to our health. His investigations showed that they were, and that there was a cover up of the truth on a massive scale.Thinking about this situation he decided that the best course of action was to try and help people mitigate the effects of EMFs.

Leonard then trained in Austria to become a Geobiologist and now carries out EMF and Geopathic surveys throughout the UK. His aim is to help people reduce the impact of EMFs by shielding the sleeping area and to use 'memon' technology to reduce the impact of EMFs during the day.His clients generally find that shielding and/or the use of memon improves the quality of their sleep, raises their energy levels, and increases their feeling of well being.'



Update: In the episode Leonard makes the statement that 'autism rates are doubling every year', when actually the rates are doubling every 5 years*


In this episode we discuss:

EMF’s, their negative health effects & how to reduce exposure

How EMF’s can exacerbate other illnesses like mitochondrial dysfunction, mould toxicity & heavy metals

How your location can affect your health - this is known as geopathic stress

The dangers of 5G which is launching around the world - what Leonard believes this will lead to


Mentioned -

5G summit



Blue Light Blocking Glasses



(use code HORMONES for 15% off)

Episode 53 - BluBlox Glasses / Circadian Rhythm



The Tinfoil Guide to EMF’s book



The Invisible Rainbow book




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