Andy Mant is the founder and CEO of BLUblox, a company specialising in evidence based advanced light filtering eyewear. Andy started BLUblox after becoming dissatisfied with the quality and standards of blue light blocking glasses available and so set about to design lenses that match the evidence in the academic literature. Through BLUblox, he and his team have developed scientifically-backed advanced light filtering eyewear, that is not being mass produced from a factory in China, but rather their bespoke lenses are manufactured and fitted in Australia, ensuring that each pair is infused with love, care and quality.

Andy has utilized his acquired expertise on light and health to educate on the podcasts he has been on. Education is Andy’s number one objective and his previous podcast appearances have not been pitches for his products, but educational content to help empower listeners to create a better light environment and a better life. BLUblox is a brand that truly believes in giving. Through their not-for-profit partnership with Restoring vision they are helping give the gift of sight to those in need with their buy one donate one glasses campaign. - use code 'HORMONES' for 15% off

We discuss...

The importance of optimal circadian rhythm for overall health (particularly hormones)

Blue light - the difference between natural exposure from the sun compared to technology

How melatonin is not just a sleep hormone, but its a key antioxidant, protecting us against inflammation & cancer

Sleep hacks & tips for night shift workers

The different products that BluBlox offers - how to know which product is best for you.

Andy kindly gave the Hormones in Harmony community a discount code for 15% off - use the code ‘HORMONES’ at the checkout.


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