Welcome back for another SOLO EPISODE & celebration for my 1 year podcast anniversary. Today I will be sharing some of the PHYSICAL signs of imbalance on your face, tongue & nails. Remember, these aren't diagnosis and if you are concerned or want to investigate into these imbalances further, work with your health practitioner.

We discuss symptoms including:

Face/head: Dandruff, eye twitches, overly waxy ears, loss of the outer third of your eyebrow, cuts at the corner of your mouth, a yellow-y tinge to your skin.


Tongue: Paleness, deep red/purple coloured tongue, cracks, scalloped edges, thick white coating, shaky/tremoring, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums.


Nails: Inflamed cuticles, white spots, ridged nails, brittle nails, lack of lunar



Stomach acid/HCL guide


Aloe Dent toothpaste

Oral allergy syndrome


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