" Because sulphur and sulphate is so universally distributed around the body and plays a role in so many things, there’s really no system that its not affecting, and symptoms of sulphur imbalances can be widespread "

Greg Nigh, ND, LAc, is naturopathic physician and acupuncturist, graduating from NUNM in 2001. Dr Nigh is co-owner of Immersion Health in Portland, OR, where he has a primary-care practice as well as a specialty in naturopathic oncology. He has done extensive research, writing, and speaking on the relationship between dysfunctional sulfur metabolism and the development of SIBO, inflammatory diseases, cancer, and other chronic conditions.






We discuss…

The importance of sulphur (particularly for gut & hormonal health), even chronic diseases like cancer

Things that can interfere with proper sulphur metabolism

Signs of low sulphur levels and also sulphite/hydrogen sulphide toxicity

Supplements, foods and nutrients that can be helpful for sulphur metabolism

His book ‘Devil in the Garlic’ should be out early 2020.



Dr Nigh’s sulphur diet & guide


Stephanie Seneff



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