"You lose glucose and insulin sensitivity when oestrogen declines. Therefore your carbohydrate needs reduce when you enter menopause and you just cannot eat the way you did in your 20’s & 30’s. This can also be what contributes to weight gain during this time."

Maria Claps is a certified health coach, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner and mom to 4 grown boys. After receiving inadequate healthcare that did nothing to address her peri-menopause problems, Maria enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in order to help herself. After that, Maria pursued several hormone-centric trainings including Dr. Sara Gottfried’s practitioner hormone training program, the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program, the Nutritious Life Certification and she also trained with hormone scholar and scientist Dr. Lindsey Berkson.

Maria helps women all over the world as a peri-menopause and menopause mentor via her Thrive Over 45 program. She is a DUTCH hormone test expert. When she’s not working with clients, Maria can be found trekking through Italy, at farmer’s markets locally or in the kitchen creating recipes.





We discuss -

The Peri-Menopause Journey

What is happening to our hormones

Troubleshooting for common symptoms for hot flashes, anxiety, weight gain etc

How our nutrition & lifestyle needs change

Bio-identical hormones vs synthetic

How Maria stays hormonally healthy

Mentioned - 

Oestrogen matters book



Dr Sara Gottfried



The Hormone Cure Book



Institute for Functional Medicine



Compounding pharmacy UK



The Female Brain book



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