HUMP #029: Rev. David Powell-“Disaster Response Ministry" The purpose of the Hoosier United Methodist podcast is strengthening the connection in the United Methodist Church in the state of Indiana for the mission of Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. Rev. David Powell is Brad Miller's guest on Episode #029 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast. In October 2016 Rev. Powell found himself literally in the middle of a hurricane when the medical mission group to Haiti he was with, planning to run medical clinics, ihad to change their plans when the country was struck by a hurricane. Responding to disaster is nothing new for Rev. David Powell as he has spent much of his ministry involved with disaster relief ministry. In this episode Dave talks to Brad in-depth about disaster relief ministry and its core purposes of training and preparedness, responding to the immediate needs of people and churches struck by disaster and working with volunteers in mission in recovery and rebuilding. As the former head of the Indiana conferences disaster response ministry Dave found himself working with the church in response to tornadoes hitting Henryville as well as flooding in Kokomo and South Bend and responding to many other disasters in Indiana and beyond. Dave tells Brad about his call to ministry which has always included dealing with people in crisis. He has worked in police and fire department chaplaincy where he finds great satisfaction in working with first responders and the people they serve. Dave shares with Brad a poignant story about a family lost everything in the Henrville tornado, including their garage-based beauty shop which was their only source of income and how the church through disaster relief responded to help them rebuild their lives. An avid photographer Dave tells Brad about his unique hobby related to photography and how he uses that skill in his ministry. Dave outlines how people can get involved with disaster relief ministries and how the key requirement to get involved is a keen sense of humility and grace. You will be inspired by Episode #029 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller talking with Rev. Dave Powell lead pastor of the Edwardsville United Methodist Church.