HUMP #028: Rev. Randy Anderson-“A Vehicle for Church Transformation" The mission of the Hoosier United Methodist podcast is to strengthen the connection in the United Methodist Church in the state of Indiana for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. In Episode #028 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast Dr. Brad Miller speaks with Rev. Randy Anderson who is on the Indiana Annual Conference staff on the church development team as well as serving as associate district superintendent of the Southwest district. Randy talks to Brad about his responsibilities in church development in particular regarding the fruitful congregations journey process. Randy works with pastors and lay teams in the classic fruitful congregations journey which is a three-year process as well as helping churches transition into FCJ 2.0 which goes a bit deeper in the process and helping churches implement their discipleship making plans. in addition Randy works with churches with attendance lower than 70 in the FCJ Impact program specifically designed for these churches. Randy tells Brad about how FCJ was instrumental in helping his local church focus on outreach and evangelism and how the concept of "radical hospitality" is crucial for churches to transform their ministry to their communities. Randy is all about training coaches and equipping facilitators to transform local churches into healthy congregations. He sees FCJ as a vehicle to transform local churches in a manner specifically integrated to their local settings. In the words of Randy "this is not a cookie cutter process". Randy goes on to tell Brad about the overall vision of church development in the Indiana Conference which is the development of Alpha teams to focus on new church planting and Omega teams to work on redeveloping existing local churches. In both teams the emphasis of church development is for the church to see discipleship as a verb and how there is no room in discipleship for people to be merely pew sitters. Randy also tells Brad about how his relationships with his grandchildren is the key factor which keeps him fresh in ministry and enthusiastic about life. Rev. Randy Anderson is a delightful and engaging personality and committed to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. In episode #028 of the Hoosier United Methodist podcast you will hear that commitment as Rev. Randy Anderson wants to get all Indiana churches on board the vehicle of church development for the transformation of the church. Rev. Randy Anderson [email protected] 800-919-8160