HUMP#030: Dr. Adolf Hansen-"A Fuller Understanding of God's Revelation" the purpose of the Hoosier United Methodist podcast is strengthening the connection in the United Methodist Church in the state of Indiana to achieve the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ of the transformation of the world. In Episode #030 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast Dr. Brad Miller has a far ranging conversation with Dr. Adolf Hansen. Hansen is the author of the recent book "Carrying For Those Who Remain: A Practical Guide For End of Life Preparation.” Brad and Adolf talk about his early faith development in Brooklyn, New York in the Norwegian Methodist Church and his academic career as a faculty member at the University of Indianapolis and at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Adolf's writing career really blossomed and retirement while serving as theologian in residence at St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis. There responding to the untimely death of his own daughter, in an accident, Adolf wrote the books "Responding to Loss" and "Tuesday Mornings with the Dad’s,” which emerged from a support group for dads who lost children. In "Carrying For Those Who Remain" Adolf shares with Brad that the purpose of the book is to generate intergenerational conversation for people facing end-of-life issues. The book is designed to be a practical guide dealing with matters of legal, financial, and funeral issues as well as spiritual, interpersonal and family dynamic issues. Adolf tells his own poignant story about dealing with his own father and mother on such matters and outlines how his experiences may be helpful to others. Importantly, Adolf makes the point that by dealing end-of-life matters in a practical and pragmatic way well ahead of the drama of death you can be set free from many of the stress that come with the loss of loved ones. Adolf goes on to share with Brad about his upcoming book “Hope In The Midst of Loss" which is his response to many of the stresses in the United Methodist Church and in the political landscape. The theme of this book will be choose hope because it doesn’t just happen.anchor your hope in love. In this part of the interview bread and Adolf drilled deeper on what Adolf calls "the elephant in the room" which is the matter of data we dealing with homosexuality in the United Methodist Church. Adolf offers an innovative approach to understanding this issue in the UMC and proposes a significant change in our denominational polity as a viable approach to dealing with the matter which is the source of so much conflict and consternation in our church. Help makes the point that he sees hope in the church that even has many are rigidly choosing sides there are many other people open to really listening and examining their own assumptions and be in dialogue with others. Adolf’s hope is that this listening will lead to a fuller understanding of God’s revelation for our church. In additions to all this Adolf shares with Brad his adventures in sailboat racing, skiing the Matterhorn in Switzerland and the importance of deep abiding friendships. You will want to join Dr. Brad Miller in this fascinating conversation with Dr. Adolf Hansen in Episode #030 of the Hoosier United Methodist Podcast.