(image credit: 夢の散歩 via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0)



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(15:17 9.3MB 初級~中級)You're Adopted

*** It's a Good Expression ***






cf. African American(アフリカ系アメリカ人の、黒人の)

a pigment deficiency


a driver's permit



a birth certificate


you need your birth certificate to get one



sit ... down


it doesn't really matter.


there was a little part of me that knew all along


You don't say...



*** Script ***

(Slow speed) 04:00-05:40

(Natural speed) 11:45-13:00

You're Adopted

M: Kendra! I just found out I was adopted! I can't believe my whole life has been a lie!!

W: Wait, what? You didn't know you were adopted?

M: Hey, you knew?! Why didn't you ever tell me?

W: I thought you already knew! I mean your parents are both African American…. And, and you're very… Caucasian…

M: I thought I had a pigment deficiency!

W: Well, how did you find out?

M: I went to get my driver's permit, and you need your birth certificate to get one. So, I asked my parents, and then they gave me this really strange look. They sat me down in the living room, and explained to me that I was adopted.

W: Oh, well, how do you feel about it?

M: I guess OK. I'm still pretty shocked, but I guess it doesn't really matter. My parents are still my parents. And, maybe… there was a little part of me that knew all along.

W: You don't say…

M: And, hey, maybe they'll feel bad enough about not telling me all this time that they'll buy me a new car!

W: Um, I cannot begin to explain how unethical that statement was!

(Written by Matthew Bola)